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- The Invention of KH Anas’ Graveyard and Rebuilding of Social Cohesion in a Mud Affected Community in East Java, Indonesia
- Saving Penny, Earning Social Fragmentation:
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- Change of Gender and Intergenerational Relations in Mud Affected Households in East Java, Indonesia
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- Change of Gender and Intergenerational Relations in Mud Affected Households in East Java, Indonesia
- Disastrum Journal: New from Lafadl
- Will There be a New “Equilibrium”?: Gender and Intergenerational Relations in Mud Affected Families in East Java, Indonesia
- Pelatihan Media untuk Anak Muda Di Pati, Jawa Tengah
- Bengkel Kerja Budaya II: Belajar Menulis Sejarah Sosial Masyarakat
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- Perang Spanduk di Porong
- Kelompok 5 dan 6
- Seni dan Gerakan Sosial
- Bencana Ke(Pem)bakaran dan Perubahan Cara Pandang Kita
- Indonesia is not yet friendly to earthquake
- Iklan Bakrie dan Korban Lumpur
- Melacak Asal-Usul Neoliberalisme
- Disciplining the Poor
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Sleman Indonesia - 55581
t. 0274 - 888726
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Sleman Indonesia - 55581
t. 0274 - 888726
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